- Christ, the Son of the living God , is our
- Hhope. So then,
- R
ejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
- I
mitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
- S
eek me and live, says the Lord. So, then,
- T
rust in the Lord with all your heart, for we have found the
- M
essiah ! So then,
- A
rise, shine for your light has come! For there is born to you, this day a
- S
aviour, who is Christ the Lord !
- NKJV Scriptures used:
- Matt, 6:16, Tim.1:1, Rom.12:15, Heb.6:12, Amos 5:4,
- Prov.3:5, John 1:41, Isaiah 60:1, Luke 2:11
- --Compiled by: Leona J. Atkinson ©Christmas 2002
- --May be shared if credit is given to author and this web site.
- --Click Here to Email the Author